The Great Motivator
There's nothing like love, truly the greatest gift from above;
The great motivator, she inspires us to act beyond our capacity, to move in fearlessness and voracity.
Love will make a sick person get out of their bed; Love will make one face the thing they most dread.
Love will make one accomplish the most impossible feat; Love gives hope in the face of inevitable defeat.
Love gives strength in the place of weakness, joy in place of sadness, inspiration in place of unimagination.
Love is the ultimate power; negative energy Love devours.
Love is greater than hate, jealousy, or greed; Love is the thing that we all most need.
Love is more than mere emotion; Love is commitment, action, and devotion.
Love is the gift that keeps on giving, the wind beneath our wings, the music that makes our hearts sing!
Where would we be without love? We would be dark, soulless beasts, empty shells doomed to be the fodder upon which depravity feasts.
Love is the engine which drives the train of life; Love gives us purpose, breaks up the monotony, and eases the pain of strife.
Love is truly the great motivator; with Love, we ALL become greater.