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Writer's pictureYa'AQov Ben Yah

The Truth About Tithing

How many of you have gone to church on Sunday morning, and if you weren’t able to pay your tithes and offering, your pastor told you that according to Malachi 3:8, you were robbing God? They made you feel guilty, and they told you that the reason you were going through hard times is because God considered you a robber. Well guess what…. Your pastor LIED TO YOU. In fact, let me make it more personal; all those years ago when I got up in that pulpit and quoted Malachi 3:8 before offering every Sunday, I WAS LYING TO THE CONGREGATION. I didn’t mean to; but I was too lazy to thoroughly research the full text. At the time, I’d never even read Deuteronomy 14. So I just quoted the scripture I was told to. I was the minister that raised the offering, and I just went along with the tradition that I had been taught. (Now, before I go any further, I don’t want to insinuate that EVERY preacher who uses this text is purposely out to deceive. The fact is, the majority of ministers were TAUGHT this, and BELIEVE that they are correct; the preachers I worked with I honestly believe were sincere individuals, and I still do.) Preachers read the scripture out of context, and it is one of the most widely used scriptures to manipulate the church for money. But here’s the thing; if you read Malachi the third chapter in its entirety, and in the correct context, you will find that the chapter is not even about the congregation, but rather it is an admonishment to the Levitical priesthood, aka THE PREACHERS, because THEY were robbing the people by NOT following the prescribed order of tithing as outlined in Deuteronomy 14:22-29, which goes as follows….

Deu 14:22 "Be sure to tithe annually from everything you plant that yields a harvest in the field.

Deu 14:23 Then in the presence of the LORD your God, in the place where he'll choose to establish his name, you may consume the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the first born of your livestock and flock, so that you'll learn to revere the LORD your God all your life.

Deu 14:24 Now the way may be distant from you, so that you are unable to transport your tithe because you have been blessed by the LORD your God and the place where the LORD your God chooses to establish his name may be distant from you.

Deu 14:25 In that case, convert it into cash, secure the money, and then bring it to the place where the LORD will choose.

Deu 14:26 You may spend the money to your heart's content to buy livestock, flocks, wine, strong drink, and whatever you desire. You and your household may eat there and rejoice in the presence of the LORD your God."

Deu 14:27 "But you must not forget the descendant of Levi in your town because there is no tribal allotment for him as there is for you.

Deu 14:28 Every third year, bring all the tithes of your produce of that year and store it in your cities

Deu 14:29 so the descendants of Levi—who have no tribal allotment as you do—foreigners, orphans, and widows who live in your cities may come, eat, and be satisfied. That way, the LORD your God shall bless you in everything you do."

Now pay attention to these key points:

1. Tithing was done annually. (Verse 22, 28)

2. Tithing consisted of crops, produce, and livestock, aka CONSUMABLES. (Verse 23)

3. Tithes were consumed by THE PEOPLE. (Verse 23)

4. Tithes were converted to CASH if the amount was too large. (Verse 24-25)

5. Tithes were distributed among THE PEOPLE for THEIR BENEFIT. (Verse 26)

6. The Levites (preachers) were included in this because THEY SERVED THE PEOPLE AND HAD NO LANDS OF THEIR OWN. (Verse 27, 29)

7. Tithes were used to buy WHATEVER THE PEOPLE NEEDED, including WINE and LIQUOR. (Verse 26)

8. Every year at this gathering and collection of tithes, THEY HAD A PARTY in honor of Yahweh’s blessings. (Verse 26)

Basically, tithing is a TAX SYSTEM designed to DISTRIBUTE WEALTH among the community to ensure that everyone was provided for. And why did Yahweh admonish the priests in Malachi 3? Because they were doing the same thing back then that they do now; they took what God provided for the people and kept it for THEMSELVES. Therefore, anytime a preacher tells you that you are robbing God by not paying your tithes, THEY’RE LYING TO YOU, and they are TWISTING the scripture. And why is it that Deuteronomy chapter 14 is never taught in church? I’ll tell you why: because if they taught you Deuteronomy chapter 14, then they would have to teach you the TRUTH of what tithing REALLY is, and it would undo the system of hypocrisy that the modern day church uses to exploit its parishioners. $450 BILLION raised in tithes and offerings over the last 40 years in the Black church, and the Black community doesn’t have ANYTHING to show for it but some megachurches and rich pastors. Now, you tell me who’s really robbing God….

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