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Writer's pictureYa'AQov Ben Yah


White supremacy. White supremacy is a plague that has troubled this planet for at least the last 2000 years. There have been many papers and opinions on this subject written by individuals WAY MORE qualified than me; however, as a Melanated American, a Black man who is affected by White supremacy in ways that I don’t even fully realize, I feel the need to write my opinion about the subject.

First off, what IS white supremacy? As defined by the Oxford dictionary, it is as follows:

The belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people.

White, or non-melanated people believing that they are superior to melanated ethnicities. This is what White supremacy is at its core. So the next question is, how did they come to this belief, and when did this ideology take hold?

The first thing we need to understand is that the first humans were melanated. I can make this statement because it has been proven time and time again scientifically. All one has to do is research, and this is an easy fact to confirm. At one point in humankind’s history, EVERYONE was melanated. Also note that the more artifacts archeologists find from ancient times, the more they confirm that the ancient cultures and rulers of the earth were people of color. Numerous studies have concluded that White skin, that is, the absence of melanin, was something that developed over time and evolution, as the original melanated humans begin to spread out and colonize the earth. Science suggests that the bulk of this evolution took place in what we now call Europe. Thus, it can be said that White supremacy has its origins in Europe.

Now, here is where it gets interesting. We’re taught that the Greeks and then the Romans were the the first “Whites” to hold real power. We were taught about Alexander the Great, the Roman emperors, and so on, and about how they conquered the earth, particularly Kemet (Now known as Africa). We were taught about how they were civilized, and how they influenced modern science, philosophy, mathematics, and medicine. But again, with research, you will learn two things; science, mathematics, etc. existed THOUSANDS of years in the land of melanated people, and, although the Greeks and Romans probably had evolved into non-melanated or very LIGHTLY melanated people, they weren’t White, nor did they think of themselves in that way. In fact, research shows that the Greeks and Romans were actually Mediterranean and Latin in ethnicity. Some Greeks were in fact descendants of ETHIOPIANS!

Another group of non-melanated people who eventually evolved were the Gauls and the Celts, also known by the Romans and Greeks as BARBARIANS. It is from these people that Great Britain, France, Spain, Ireland, and other Western European nations emerged.

Now here’s where it get really interesting. The Romans and Greeks called these people “Barbarians”. Let’s look at what that word means:

barbarian; plural noun: barbarians

(in ancient times) a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations (Greek, Roman, Christian).

"the city was besieged by the barbarians"


Thus we learn that the word to describe uncultured people who exercised brutality as a way of life was first employed to describe tribes of non- melanated people who were the progenitors of the lands of Western Europe, which is where such atrocities as the Crusades and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade originate from….is this a coincidence? One could infer studying history that while culture and civilization originated with melanated people, brutality and chaos as a way of life originated with non-melanated people. Now, please understand, I’m not saying that all melanated people were peace loving pacifist; the world in general was brutal during ancient times, (still is) and there is plenty of evidence and documentation to show that melanated people have committed plenty of brutal acts in their society, and continue to do so. But the fact remains that some of the most brutal acts against humanity were perpetrated against melanated people by NON-melanated people, often in the name of religion, bringing civilization and democracy, colonization, and ultimately, white supremacy.

Now that I have briefly touched on a few historical points about the origins of non-melanated people, my next question is when did the concept of “white” people become a thing? Because it is at this point that White supremacy really became a thing, although it had been practiced in principle for millennia.

A good place to start with the answer to that question is a book called “The Invention of The White Race” by Theodore W. Allen.

According to this book, the white race wasn’t really a thing before 1619, which is when the TransAtlantic Slave Trade began in earnest. Therefore, the concept of “White People” as a ruling class, resulting in racism and modern White supremacy, started with in what would become America, a byproduct of American capitalism. Before the 1700s, it was basically about class status and imperialism. But after the establishment of the TransAtlantic slave trade and modern day slavery, then it all of a sudden became about black and white SPECIFICALLY. What's more, non-melanated or lightly melanated people such as the Irish, Italians, and the Khazar/Ashkenazi Jews began to refer to themselves as "white", although they were previously apart of the so-called "lower class". After the establishment of the TransAtlantic slave trade, white supremacy became a full and complete system, building itself on the oppression of dark skinned people across the earth.

One thing is for sure; White supremacy has been able to maintain its power and influence through the control of economics. Throughout all the top echelons of governments throughout the world, white supremacists hold the purse strings. What the average person doesn't understand is that real white supremacy has a very little to do with the people you see running around carrying flags and screaming racial epithets. Those people are just foot soldiers, often members of the so-called lower class, pawns in a global chess game used by the decision makers to keep the masses distracted with division and strife so that we can't focus on what's really at hand. The real architects of white supremacy are the politicians, bankers, and CEOs; those who will smile and show a façade of being progressive and liberal, while creating policies that insure all of the wealth and economic power remains in the control of white supremacist dominated power structure. They are the ones who orchestrate such policies as the 13th amendment (which keeps slavery legal under the guise of incarceration), Jim Crow segregation, the "war on drugs", red lining practices, and the laws that created the prison indutrial complex. They create the system of disparities that enables the wealth and power to stay in the hands of white supremacy and keep the melanated peoples of the earth subjugated, while using the lower class "whites" as enforcers by convincing them that no matter how much they may struggle, they're still "better" than those who are melanated.

So here's the big question: with such a system in place, how are melanated people supposed to fight it?

The answer is that we have to take control of our economics. I'm not talking about merely going off building our own cities; history has shown us through the tragedies of Tulsa, Rosewood, Wilmington, Atlanta, Lake Lanier and countless other destructions of Black cities that simply building our own cities won't work.

I'm talking about taking control of our economics from WITHIN the system. How do we do this? We have to support ourselves within our own communities. Bank at Black owned banks. Shop at Black owned stores. Eat at Black owned restaurants. Create our own businesses, and then support those businesses. Raise our children to pursue careers in law enforcement and politics, and then use our vote to get them in office. Melanated Americans (Black consumers) spend over $300 BILLION in this country annually:

Imagine if we poured this economic power into our own community. Imagine if we spent the bulk of this 300 billion with ourselves. Do you realize what would happen to the American economy all of its melanated citizens spent the majority of their incomes in THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES? The dollar circulates approximately 1 TIME in the Black community. It circulates at least 6 TIMES in Latin communities, 9 TIMES in Asian communities, and almost INFINITELY in "white" communities, particularly the so-called "Jewish" community. Is it any wonder why they are able to maintain control for so long?

Do you know why the Montgomery Bus Boycott worked so well back in 1955? Because without it's Black riders, the city of Montgomery's economy took a serious hit. Those people didn't move to another city; they just came together, depended on each other, and refused to give their dollars to a system that oppressed them. And in the end, Montgomery had to cave and give it's Melanated citizens what they wanted, which was equality on the busline. We can do the same thing on a national and even an international scale, if Melanated people will just take the steps to use our economic power AMONGST ourselves.

How do we fight white supremacy? By taking control of the economic power WE ALREADY HAVE, using our wealth in our OWN communities, and showing the white supremacist led power structure that we can survive without them.

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